Mutual Benefits Keep Policy Trust

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does the Trust Wind-Down mean?

    The Trust has sold all of the policies in the portfolio. The sale proceeds net of related expenses will be distributed to investors in accordance with the Court’s Order Approving Sale, Allocation and Distribution Procedures entered March 3, 2023 (a copy of which is available at the top of the “Court Filings” column on the Wind Down page of the MBC Keep Trust website) based on the value of the policies and each investor’s proportion of beneficial ownership in the policies sold.
  • Why was the Trust portfolio sold?

    The Trust’s resources, which have helped to partially cover (i.e., subsidize) investor costs since the Trust’s inception, have diminished over time. The Trustee determined that continuation of the Trust would not continue to be economically viable.
  • How was the Trust portfolio sold?

    In accordance with the Court's Sale Order, the Trustee conducted an auction after exposing the portfolio to the marketplace through a nationally-recognized life settlements advisory firm.
  • What if the policy I have an investment in matured prior to sale?

    Any policies that matured prior to the sale were not included in the portfolio sale. Death benefits on such policies were either collected and distributed to investors in proportion to their ownership interests or the few that remain in process will be distributed in accordance with the customary procedures that are already in place.
  • How much is my policy interest worth?

    The value of each policy, if any, was individually determined as of the sale date by a recognized actuarial firm in accordance with the Court's Sale Order. A copy of this actuarial report will be made available on the MBC Keep Trust website once initial distribution checks are mailed out to investors.
  • How much will I receive from the sale?

    Distributions of net sale proceeds will be paid to investors based on the relative value of each policy as determined by the actuarial firm in which an investor has an interest relative to each policy's allocated sales value (not including unused premiums) net of allocated sale and administration expenses. As a result of the allocation, some policies which were determined not to have any value will not receive any distribution.
  • Will I receive a refund of any premiums I paid that were unused?

    Any premiums identified by Litai Assets, LLC as being unpaid to carriers as of the sale date for each policy will be remitted to investors in conjuction with the distribution process identified in the Court's Sale Order.
  • When will the net sale proceeds be distributed?

    An initial 50% distribution ’of net proceeds to investors receiving distributions will be made in the second quarter of 2024. The Trust will also request the Court’s approval of the Trustee’s final accounting for the Trust, including the distributions to investors. The Trustee anticipates making a final distribution of the remaining 50% distributable to investors in the fourth quarter of 2024 after the Trust’s accounting is approved and final expenses allocated.
  • What information will the Trust provide regarding my investment and distributable amount?

    All investors will be provided with a report reflecting the gross sale proceeds attributable to their policy interest and a breakdown of the line items impacting the amount to be paid including reductions for sale expenses and premiums advanced by the Trust on behalf of specific policy interests, and any refund for unused premiums, if applicable.
  • What do I need to provide to the Trust in order to receive my net sale proceeds distribution?

    The Trust has employed a third-party agent, Stretto Business Services, to administer the disbursements. In order to receive a disbursement, each investor will be contacted by Stretto via mail and/or email based on the address of record provided to the Trust by Litai Assets, LLC or the address provided by investors directly to the Trust since the portfolio sale occurred. Note that investors do not need to provide any tax forms.
  • What is the process to notify Stretto if my address changes?

    Contact Stretto via email: to make your request in writing.
  • Are the proceeds taxable?

    The Trust is treated as a settlement fund for U.S. federal tax purposes. As a settlement fund, tax on the sale of policies, if any, is assessed to the Trust and not to individual investors. Consequently, the proceeds should not be taxable to investors.
  • Where do I get further information?

    Please check the website for updates which will be periodically posted by the Trustee.
  • What happens after I get my distribution?

    For those investors receiving distributions, the initial distribution will be followed by a second and final distribution which is currently anticipated to be made approximately 6 months after the initial distribution.
  • Is there anything I need to do once I receive my distributions?

    No. Simply deposit your check.
  • What do I do if I do not receive a distribution payment?

    Contact Stretto to confirm whether a distribution is being made on your policy, and if so, whether your address of record is correct.
  • Will I receive my cost basis?

    The Trust was not involved in the original acquisition of the policies by the investor, or their administration for the several years thereafter before the Trust was created. As a result, the Trustee does not have readily accessible, reliable, verifiable information as to any investor's cost basis. 
© 2020 Mutual Benefits Keep Policy Trust